Select the correct Award category for your abstract submission from the below links to submit your abstracts

Abstract Submission Process
Please note, only Poster Abstracts are accepted for the Abstract submission for 2025.
Abstracts must be submitted before 15 March 2025 (23:59 GMT) Notification on Acceptance/ Rejection: 1 April 2025. Abstracts must be submitted in English.
Any withdrawal of abstracts should be through email response within 10 days of the acceptance notification email.
All accepted Poster Abstract presenters must register to attend the conference and bear all travel and accommodation expenses.
You will be asked to provide author names and affiliations in the online submission form (authors must be listed in order of involvement). Please do not include this information on your abstract content.

B. Presenting author and registration
The presenting author of Poster Presenter must register as an active participant at the conference within 14 days after acceptance notification of an abstract is sent.
All abstract presenters can avail a special 50% discount of the ongoing registration rate to register for the 3-day conference.
ECCC Dubai 2025 reserves the right to exclude any abstract from the scientific program that is not followed by a participant registration within 14 days of acceptance notification.
C. Contents of your abstract
The abstract word limit is max. 300 words per abstract. ECCC Dubai 2025 Conference Secretariat reserves the right to edit abstracts that exceed the word limit.
The title should be as brief as possible but long enough to clearly indicate the nature of the study. Write the abstract Title in CAPITAL LETTERS. No full stop at the end.
All Abstracts to be submitted in word document format.
No identifying features such as names of authors, hospitals, medical schools, clinics or cities may be listed in the title or abstract text, as a “blind” review process will be used.
Please enter the author(s), Co-Author(s) and their institution(s) names correctly for certification purposes when you submit your abstract online.
The abstract must include the following:
Aim: Clearly state the purpose of the abstract.
Methods: Describe your selection of observations or experimental subjects clearly.
Results/Findings: Present your results in a logical sequence in text, table and illustrations.
Conclusions: Emphasize new and important aspects of the study (perhaps as a discussion section) and the conclusions that are drawn from them.
All abbreviations must be defined in first use.
Statements such as “results will be discussed” or “data will be presented” cannot be accepted.
Use of brand names on abstracts:
For all references to products or companies, generic names must be used. The brand name can be inserted as a reference at the bottom of the abstract page. Papers containing brand names/company names in the abstract text (i.e. not in a reference at the bottom of the page) may be rejected for this reason only. ECCC Dubai 2025 reserves the right to replace any brand name with a generic name without further notice.
Images that are uploaded to follow the abstract are only for the purpose of reviewing.

D. Reviewing
The scientific committee will review the abstract.
Notification of acceptance or rejection of the abstract will be sent to all authors by 01 April 2025.
It is the responsibility of all investigators that all studies are performed with respect to national legislation, international legislation and ethical guidelines both with regards to humans and animals. The ECCC Dubai 2025 Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject any submitted abstract that is believed to violate these principles.
Please verify that your email address (submitter and presenting author) is correct as it will be used for contacting you after the review process.

E. Poster / Oral abstract Presentation guide
All abstracts accepted for Poster presentation will receive specific measurement instruction of the poster on the acceptance notification email.
The abstracts accepted for Oral Presentations will be notified of the lecture schedules assigned for presentation once the Preliminary scientific program is announced.

For all enquirers regarding abstracts and speakers, please contact –